Focusing your thoughts and plans for your wedding: Pittsburgh Wedding Tips

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! This is a good article with a great idea on how to focus your thoughts and plans about your wedding: “Find What You Love” Begin your wedding plans with the notion of: “A little of you and little of your fiancée and a lot of both of […]
Fun Pittsburgh Wedding Photos From June 23
Photos by Ben and Jackie from Golden Image: great pictures and they are fantastic to work with. Adrienne and Justin had a Steeler themed wedding at Stratigos in Irwin, She had hidden a pair Steeler Jets tickets in her garter to Justin surprise.
Otto Productions is very proud to welcome Rebecca Holland as our new Professional Wedding Assistant.
Otto Productions is very proud to welcome Rebecca Holland as our new Professional Wedding Assistant. Rebecca has worked in the wedding field for many years, and her last position was a banquet manager at a local country club. Rebecca will be assisting at most of the weddings this year. She will be providing the hands […]
Big Bridal Table for Large Wedding Party

Here is picture of a large bridal table from two weeks ago. What was nice about it was everyone was closer and could talk to each other. — at Twelve Oaks Mansion. Notice the speaker cover matched and blended in with the decor and kept the speaker hidden in the photos. Twelve Oaks […]