Eleven tips for the Best man or Brides maid speech and toast.
- How do you know the bride and groom?
- Why did they choose you as best man?
- How would you describe the bride and groom as a couple to friends?
- What was the groom like before he met the bride? How has he changed knowing her? How has the groom matured or not?
- How did they meet? How did the groom tell you about her?
- If you are married, you may wish to think about marriage advice you’ve received or have learned.
- Are there any particularly amusing anecdotes that illustrate who the bride and/or groom are?
- Be considerate, do not to tell ‘private’ stories that could upset the wedding.
- Do not talk too much about yourself, this is their day.
- Keep your speech under four minutes and practice it with notes.
- Remember to lift your glass and toast at the end!